I argued for RU-486, the abortion pill. I really thought our problems were over. It is, after all, a wonderful promise; see the doctor, get the pill, go home and everything passes in a short while in the comfort and privacy of your own home. I still think women should have a choice, but they need to know what a dead cow that promise really is.
How could they do this to us? How could they suck us in with that promise and deliver a pill that creates awful cramps, severe bleeding and a very high risk of really bad complications. The they, in this case, are all those women who themselves fell for the promise. People like the women of Planned Parenthood, who fought for RU-486 must have thought it was great. It sounded great. I thought it was great.
But! When they found out it was awful, why didn't they tell us? Why didn't the women of Planned Parenthood come out and say, "Oops! This is a choice, but it's a really bad choice." I don't understand. They are supposed to be on our side. They know the abortion pill is awful, yet today, they still promote it.
Oh! So you think the abortion pill must be O.K. Maybe I'm just a little off dead center on this. It must be good or all these second-rate clinics wouldn't be making lots of money prescribing it, right? Well, look a little closer.
Would you rather see an abortion specialist, make a visit for a painless procedure, feel fine the next day and know that the chances of a complication are very slim. Or, would you like to visit the doctor's office, be tested, take pills and go home, be in pain, struggle with bleeding while you wonder if it's working, go back to the doctor's office, be tested, go home, wonder if it's working, have more cramps and bleeding, go back to the doctor's office and maybe be done with it, knowing that your chances are 1 in 20 or worse that it won't even work. Sound ridiculous? Well, check out the best case abortion scenario at right.
Want to take the abortion pill? Here are the steps as set forth by the experts (who promote the pill).
Additional visits may be required if complications result or the procedure is incomplete. And, additional visits are very likely as compared to the safer and friendlier conventional abortion procedure.
Now, doesn't that sound like a lot of fun? I copied these steps from an excellent site for finding a clinic and getting some straight information. Go there. Read more. See if you really want to take the abortion pill.
Here is a direct quote from the website of Dr. Peter Bours an experienced provider of the abortion pill in Oregon:
"After 10 years experience providing medical abortions, we
have decided that only in rare and unusual situations is this method
of abortion the best choice for a woman seeking an abortion in an
area where surgical abortion is readily available. Our reasons are:
— One woman in Canada and at least five in this country
have died from serious infections following medical abortions. In
Canada, following the initial death, clinical trials on the procedure
were stopped and the drug Mifiprex was not approved. No cases of
this type of infection have been reported following surgical abortion.
— The risk of serious hemorrhage in the first week following
medical abortion is significantly greater than following surgical
abortion. This complication usually requires emergency hospitalization
and surgery.
— Medical abortion is only 90-95% effective in producing
the required result (not being pregnant) while surgical abortion
is 99.99% effective.
— Every patient that we have seen for surgical abortion
in the past several years who has had a previous medical abortion
has told us that the surgical abortion as we perform it was faster,
easier, and much less painful than her previous medical abortion."
Here is a direct quote from the website of The Abortion & Contraception Clinic of Nebraska:
"Due to the fact that there have been 7 deaths in Canada and California associated with the use of Mifeprex, ACCON has stopped offering Medical Abortions. We have been deeply involved with the research and approval of this drug and we strongly believe that the deaths were not caused by Mifeprex; but, until this is fully understood, we feel it prudent not to risk any of our patients' health and or lives. "
There are some other important sites you should visit such as the Abortion Clinic Guide where you can find a current list of abortion doctors and abortion clinics. You can also visit Abortion Doctors Lookup even though it has a similar list with less information.
doctors & clinics list